
I wonder how the pop star. We come from sources within the U.S. government said

Global Times - World Wide Web on Aug. 3 report According to the British an interview that the United States government sources had told him, said the government had discussed allegations he was spying conspiracy.

Although the discussion was related

fruitless,discount christian louboutin sandals, but still worried that they will Asang Qi said the U.S. government forcibly detained, because he was indicted U.S. intelligence analyst Bradley ? Manning's key witness. In the U.S., authorities have the right to indefinitely detain and detention of material witnesses to ensure their crimes in the course of the investigation to provide testimony.

A Sangqi said: This is offensive. As back to America's problem, I wonder how the pop star. We come from sources within the U.S. government said, was being considered I should be treated as spies Huo Dong Shi Pi was accused of complicity, which is very serious .

A Sangqi said, facilities, he said it was like He also accused the U.S. government to do is to put Manning,14 regions of Russia,

(This article Source: Global Times - World Wide Web on: Song Hua)


