
In 2002 and 2008 conducted military exercises in the Pacific Rim

Xinhua reported on July 24, according to South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo" reports that in Hawaii, Central Pacific, military exercises under way, and to participate in the exercise of the South Korean Navy submarines, the value of 2 billion won during last week's anti-ship missile firing test failure, the news after the Caibei exposure.

South Korean military source 23, said: "South Korea's 1,Thank Buddha said,200-ton submarines, the Navy-owned ship Qi Li billion last week in Hawaii, 65 km away near the goal aimed at launching a Harpoon anti-ship missiles, but missile landed in the sea area 11 kilometers from the target, So do not hit the target. "

Reported, "Harpoon" anti-ship missiles with a range of 140 km, each costing the value of 2 billion won, the hit rate is high, more than 10 kilometers from the target the error occurred is a very rare thing. South Korean military official said: "is investigating a number of reasons."

In 2002 and 2008 conducted military exercises in the Pacific Rim, the South Korean navy submarine, "Yi Sun-sin-ship",cheap MBT Imara, to use and the missile used during this exercise the same "Harpoon" anti-ship missiles accurately hit the 70-80 km away target.

(This article Source: Xinhua)


