
the woman Names - Max

AP Ronaldinho is now unlikely to leave AC Milan, and yesterday's warm-up Ronaldinho or spectators. Now his belly and excessive weight has become a serious obstacle, though Allegri has been training in the devil, it is clear that Ronaldinho still need a lot of time.

However, Ronaldinho to stay in Italy, certainly a lot of advantages, especially in a city like Milan. There are flowers, wine, more important is that there are crowds of women and countless nightclubs. Ronaldinho's private life more debauchery It is recognized, such as Pato and Stephanie's divorce, there is great dissatisfaction because of Stephanie Pato and Ronaldinho to the club regularly.

Ronaldinho is not without genuine girlfriend, his girlfriend Nmed salie,Reported that BP is now, now living in Brazil. No girlfriend with me, Ronaldinho basically can do anything with the strange woman dating, recently photographed a group of photos of Italy, is Ronaldinho and intimate photographs of a woman. According to Italian media broke the news, the woman Names - Max, are the most common TV dancer, 21 years old this year. Ronaldinho intimate embrace with wanton woman, completely ignoring the people around the eyes.

Ironic is that this is the Max and Ronaldinho Si Hun, just last May, and the dancers are still engaged with Adriano, but the feelings only lasted a few months period of time.




