
Speaker of the House

WARSAW August 3 power Polish Supreme Court on the 3rd announced on July 4 at the second round of the presidential election is valid, thus elected president Bronislaw Jifco莫罗夫斯基 paved the way for the formal oath of office.

The Polish News Agency reported that a special meeting held in Poland the same day the Supreme Court to consider the Supreme Court received 378 complaints about the current presidential election, the Supreme Court found 16 of them are legitimate,Aug. 5 power, but not the results that this have a substantial impact.

Polish National Election Commission announced on July 5 presidential election second round of voting the official vote count. Poland on behalf of the President, Speaker of the House, the ruling Civic Platform party candidate was elected President of Poland Comorovschi.

Polish electoral law, the National Electoral Commission officially announced election results take 30 days to accept the Supreme Court from all over the country about this election complaints and ultimately to confirm the election valid. Subsequently elected president must be held within 7 days of the joint meeting of both houses (National Assembly), was sworn in as president.

According to the news from the Office of the President of Poland,christian louboutin pumps cheap, Comorovschi will be Aug. 6 at the Polish National Assembly was formally sworn into office.

Polish presidential election scheduled to be held in October this year. Since April 10 this year, President Lech Kaczynski met plane crash (feature), to hold early presidential elections. Polish presidential term of 5 years, voters directly elected by the National.

(This article Source: Xinhua on: Ma Shijun)


