
so that you can make cool and full dissemination of condensate into the air

summer occasion, and in the family since the essential air conditioning. But how can we achieve energy-saving air-conditioning in environmental protection? Organized by China Association for Science in the recent \

Wu introduced, first create a two-tier cabinet, will host and air conditioning condensate collection box on the upper and lower box, respectively, constitute a whole. This air-conditioning piping is short, can make the turn when the concentration of energy, reducing power consumption. Mr. Wu has also installed air conditioning at the bottom of caster, so that air can easily move to the right place to use, without destruction of the wall for installation.

calculated according to the daily

Wu, transformed this indoor and outdoor air conditioners and split air-conditioning sub-installed power less than. Although its only 600 watts total power, but very efficient, can not guarantee that each of Mr. Wu family houses are fitted with air conditioning. The air-conditioning units can be transformed to make his home more than 70 square meters of space has become cool, energy-saving effect is remarkable.

In addition,Deputy director of the China Pavilion, Mr. Wu is also in the air conditioning condenser in an increase of rejection with a wheel made of water structure, so that you can make cool and full dissemination of condensate into the air, played a role in reducing indoor temperatures. According to Mr. Wu said that after transformation, nearly 80% of air conditioning condensate water is circulated out, the rest flows into the collection box under the box, \environmental protection. \


