
a great song

. .A good book, a great song, a harmonious conversation will make people excited, and relatives, and friends, or speak freely, or wine and song, pointing country, our passionate and full of emotional , the utilitarian, annoyance, mask all the discard, living in a space of their own.
person who has been sober, tired, and awful.
person who has been excited, Gone with the Wind, and sad.
who glide in between awake and excited.
the sober time, opened his eyes, the excitement of the time, close my eyes.
my friends would certainly laugh at me, because with them, I will forget waking rational, careful, so to speak is not the throat, but the heart.
a snack, I drink quite excited himself,and 100 on the tire of it, friends asked me: Do you like to drink?
I did not answer, he did not know, I actually do not know not to drink like the drunk, but I trust in a space, to have the occasional excitement, go to forget worries, forget the endless competition, even forget the sober self.
2009 coming into the New Year bell 28 years old. . .


